The Cathedral of Madonna's Smolenskaya icon.
It is located in the village of Vyezdnoe (it is well seen from the Upper Embankment of the town). Here, at the wide trough the Tyosha River, Ivan the Terrible let settle 600 Kazak families, who formed "the Tzar's settlement, the Kazak Vyezdnaya sloboda". In 1635 it was granted to the boyarin B.M. Saltykov.
The splendid panorama of the Cathedral, crowned with 5 cupolas, is revealed from afar. The refectory, decorated from the west side with the magnificent portico with 8 big semi-columns is adjacent to the main building.
The Cathedral's inside was painted by Moscow masters and apprentices of the Arzamas art school headed by A.V. Stupin. The main adornment of the Cathedral's altar is the picture "Christ Saviour's Cross" by the renowned Spanish painter Bartolomeo Esteban Murilio. The owner of the village Vyezdnoe Count B.M. Saltykov, serving as an ambassador in France, was donated with the picture by the Saxon king's daughter, Princess Maria-Augustina in 1770.
The high tent bell-tower, built in 1721, is near the Cathedral. The Church of Madonna's Smolenskaya icon was being erected from 1803 to 1815 on the inhabitants' subscriptions. The owner of the village at that time Sergey Vasilyevich Saltykov contributed to building of Smolenskaya church as well.